In the Disney Movie Robin Hood one of the animated characters, a young fox around 8 years old, gets involved in a little role playing and winds up rescuing maid Marion from the evil clutches of Prince John and flees to the forest (some handy trees) where they plop down to rest. Having accomplished his task he remarks "Now what"
I've always wanted to ask the bad guys in history, and especially hollywood movies this question. You've just finished conquering whatever it is your inflicting your will upon, now what. So you've killed off all the good people and hold an entire nation hostage to your every whim and desire. Now what? The only people who like you are the ones who benefit from your evilness and that's a tenuous loyalty at best. Is your life better? are you happier now that most everyone else is unhappy? I'm sure there's some psychological complex that makes the bad guy think everyone will love him for his benevolent destroying of everything important to free society and embrace his dictatorial whims. Maybe it's the only way he gets a decent date, coercion. I use "he" cause I can't think of too many female meglomaniacs (is that a word - quick internet search -Yep!)
I wonder about that "Now What" factor in some of the activities we do as individuals. I happen to be interested in moving to Burnsville to be closer to friends in the People of Praise and four siblings in the immediate area. Part of that would include expanding any house we might buy to facilitate life for our larger family. As I was thinking about a particular house and how we might renovate it, I thought of this question. So I expand the house and put in all the goodies we want. Now what? There's lots of answers to why we would do certain things, set certain goals and achieve them, but after we achieve them comes the "Now What".
So we graduate from highschool, graduate from college, marry, get a job, the question always seems to be there, "Now What". What's the reason, whats the purpose of all this activity. Aside from being a meglomaniac, most of us have some form of goals that are benevolent and relatively useful for living life well and purposeful.
Being purposeful - to what purpose? Or how about ordered? How are we ordering the affairs of life toward a specific end.
I suppose this isn't really a new or novel topic, but I was just thinking about it more frequently as it relates to activities in my life and I have this blog I ought to occasionally write to so....
I want to find a way to discuss the priciple of subsidiarity in here somewhere but need that requires a bit more time. And that's the problem with writing a blog is it takes time, and I've spent enough this morning. Time to work, my "purposeful" activities that allow me to feed my children and enable them to think about living a purposeful life.
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