Tuesday, September 16, 2008


I stumbled across this site today while reading one of my favorite sites, First Things. And I thought it deserved mention because of the article highlighted today regarding Catholics and abortion. It references Lincoln and his insistence at highlighting that particular issue among all the other pertinent issues of the day. Go have a read. Also stop by First Things and have a look at the September 12th Neuhaus article labled "A New Order of Religious Freedom" , referencing Lincoln as well.

Since I am Catholic and I have great frustration with Catholics who insist on voting pro-abortion candidates, whatever I can do to persuade various individuals to rethink their position I take note of . I'm still trying to figure out how to "win" that conversation. Abortion is an intrinsic evil, that's a statement of fact, not a matter of preference or opinion. An objective truth. As such I'm not going to defend it. It is what it is. And real people make that choice every day. Thousands of them.

Our parish priest had a great homily Sunday. While I'm not great at remembering everything priests say at the pulpit, which is many times a good thing, the focus of his remarks were in fact, political. Essentially, that looking for a government security net isn't what Christians ought to be doing. That isn't where our trust needs to be. Standing on the alter celebrating the Eucharist is a great counter point to reasoned political debate.

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